Paulinenweg 3, 51149 Köln            +49 (0) 2203 8068 405  

You cannot book this date any longer
The rooms / apartments are closed
No rooms/apartments available for booking
Rooms/apartments available for booking, but no arrival or departure possible
Rooms/apartments available for booking, but no arrival possible
Rooms/apartments available for booking, but no departure possible
Rooms/apartments available for booking
There are no rooms for the selected period available.

Cancellation policy:

  • until XX days before arrival: free of charge
  • XX - XX days before arrival: XX% of the booked stay
  • XX - 0 days before arrival: XXX% of the booked stay
  • early departure during the stay: XXX% of the booked stay
We recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance!

Deposit conditions:

  • A deposit of XX% of the booking amount is required X weeks prior to arrival and is non-refundable in case of later cancellation, except in case of refusal and agreement of the hotel.
  • For the period Christmas/New Year there are special cancellation and deposit conditions!


Additional information for our little guests:

  • Babies and toddlers up to the age of X years receive a free extra bed in a double room, suite or junior suite
  • Children and teenagers up to XX years of age receive an XX% reduction on half the room price.

You can view our general terms and conditions under this link.